Chord I Believe I Can Fly
I Believe I Can Fly By R Kelly Guitar Chords Lyrics
I Believe I Can Fly chords with lyrics by R Kelly for guitar and ukulele @ Guitaretab

CHORD LIST: C -------> X32010 C/G -----> 332010 Fm6 -----> xx0111 Fm6/Ab --> 430111 F/G -----> 3x3210 E7 ------> 020100 E/G# ----> 4x245x or 000100 (much easier, but doesn't sound as good) Am7 -----> x02010 Am ------> x02210 G -------> 320033 Dm7 -----> xx0211 STANDARD TUNING; CAPO 1. Capo 1 matches song, I personally like Capo on 2 though. Also, at the bottom, I'll put an easier version built off this one for any beginners. You should also check out some fingerstyle versions of this song, which are pretty sweet. VERSE 1C Fm6I u-sed to thi-nk that I- could no--t, go o---n,
C Fm6and li-fe was no-thing bu-t an aw--ful so----ng.
C Fm6But no-w I kno-w the mea-ning o-f, true lo---ve.
C Fm6I'm lea-ning o-n the e-verla--sting a-------rms.
PRECHORUSE7 Am7If I can s-ee i--t,
Fm6/Abthen I can d-o i--t. (second time around, he says 'be' instead of 'do')
C/GIf I just believe i--t,
F/G Gthere's nothing t-o i--t.
CHORUSCI believe I can fl-y.
AmI believe I can touch the sk-y.
Dm7I think about it every n--ight and day.
GSpread my wings and fl-y awa--y.
E/G# AmI believe I can s--oar.
Fm6/AbI see me running through that o-pen do--or.
C/GI believe I can fl---y.
Fm6I believe I can fl---y.
Am7I believe I can fl---y.
(can use Fm6 after Am7 to transition from chorus to verse) VERSE 2C Fm6See I- was o-n the ver-ge of brea-kin' dow--n.
C Fm6So-meti-mes si-lence can see-m so lou--d.
C Fm6Th-ere are mir-acles in li-fe I mu-st achi--eve,
C Fm6But fir-st I kno-w it star-ts insi-de of m--e o---h.
right into PRECHORUS then CHORUS CHORUS 2 EXTENSIONC/G Fm6 Am7I....fl---y. I....fl---y. I....fl---y. (last lines of chorus)
Dm7 Am7 F/G(small instrumental) He--y, cause I- belie--ve in yo----u. O----h.
right into PRECHORUS then CHORUS CHORUS 3 EXTENSIONC/G Fm6 Am7I....fl---y. I....fl---y. I....fl---y. (last lines of chorus)
Fm6/Ab C/GIf I just spre--ad my wing------s, I-- can fly. (I can fly!)
Fm6/Ab C/GI-- can fly. (I can fly!) I-- can fly.
Fm6/AbIf I just spre--ad my wing------s,
C/G Fm6/Ab C/GI-- can fl-------(I can fly!)-------(I can fly!)-------y!
Fm6/Ab C/GWoo! (I can fly!) (instrumental) Hu---m. Fly-y--------y.
**above (instrumental) is actually a nine note scale, but I couldn't really figure out how to play it. I think it might be a dorian scale. I play a D dorian scale cus it goes nicely with capo on 2, and play a C/G chord as the 9th note, which is the same C/G chord above "Hu--m."e|-----------------0-| B|---------------1-1-|G|---------0-2-3---0-|D|-----1-3---------2-|A|-3-5-------------3-|E|-----------------3-|
SIMPLER VERSION Verses --> C - Fm6 PreChorus --> Am - Fm6 - C - G Chorus --> C - Am - Dm7 - G - Am - Fm6 - C - Fm6 - Am C2 Extension --> Dm7 - Am - G C3 Extension --> Fm6 - C x5
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