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Chord I Believe I Can Fly

I Believe I Can Fly By R Kelly Guitar Chords Lyrics

I Believe I Can Fly chords with lyrics by R Kelly for guitar and ukulele @ Guitaretab

CHORD LIST: C -------> X32010 C/G -----> 332010 Fm6 -----> xx0111 Fm6/Ab --> 430111 F/G -----> 3x3210 E7 ------> 020100 E/G# ----> 4x245x or 000100 (much easier, but doesn't sound as good) Am7 -----> x02010 Am ------> x02210 G -------> 320033 Dm7 -----> xx0211  STANDARD TUNING; CAPO 1. Capo 1 matches song, I personally like Capo on 2 though.  Also, at the bottom, I'll put an easier version built off this one for any beginners.  You should also check out some fingerstyle versions of this song, which are pretty sweet.   VERSE 1 

C Fm6I u-sed to thi-nk that I- could no--t, go o---n,

C Fm6and li-fe was no-thing bu-t an aw--ful so----ng.

C Fm6But no-w I kno-w the mea-ning o-f, true lo---ve.

C Fm6I'm lea-ning o-n the e-verla--sting a-------rms.


E7 Am7If I can s-ee i--t,

Fm6/Abthen I can d-o i--t. (second time around, he says 'be' instead of 'do')

C/GIf I just believe i--t,

F/G Gthere's nothing t-o i--t.


CI believe I can fl-y.

AmI believe I can touch the sk-y.

Dm7I think about it every n--ight and day.

GSpread my wings and fl-y awa--y.

E/G# AmI believe I can s--oar.

Fm6/AbI see me running through that o-pen do--or.

C/GI believe I can fl---y.

Fm6I believe I can fl---y.

Am7I believe I can fl---y.

(can use Fm6 after Am7 to transition from chorus to verse) VERSE 2

C Fm6See I- was o-n the ver-ge of brea-kin' dow--n.

C Fm6So-meti-mes si-lence can see-m so lou--d.

C Fm6Th-ere are mir-acles in li-fe I mu-st achi--eve,

C Fm6But fir-st I kno-w it star-ts insi-de of m--e o---h.


C/G Fm6 Am7I....fl---y. I....fl---y. I....fl---y. (last lines of chorus)

Dm7 Am7 F/G(small instrumental) He--y, cause I- belie--ve in yo----u. O----h.


C/G Fm6 Am7I....fl---y. I....fl---y. I....fl---y. (last lines of chorus)

Fm6/Ab C/GIf I just spre--ad my wing------s, I-- can fly. (I can fly!)

Fm6/Ab C/GI-- can fly. (I can fly!) I-- can fly.

Fm6/AbIf I just spre--ad my wing------s,

C/G Fm6/Ab C/GI-- can fl-------(I can fly!)-------(I can fly!)-------y!

Fm6/Ab C/GWoo! (I can fly!) (instrumental) Hu---m. Fly-y--------y.

**above (instrumental) is actually a nine note scale, but I couldn't really figure out how to play it. I think it might be a dorian scale. I play a D dorian scale cus it goes nicely with capo on 2, and play a C/G chord as the 9th note, which is the same C/G chord above "Hu--m."

e|-----------------0-| B|---------------1-1-|G|---------0-2-3---0-|D|-----1-3---------2-|A|-3-5-------------3-|E|-----------------3-|

SIMPLER VERSION Verses --> C - Fm6 PreChorus --> Am - Fm6 - C - G Chorus --> C - Am - Dm7 - G - Am - Fm6 - C - Fm6 - Am C2 Extension --> Dm7 - Am - G C3 Extension --> Fm6 - C x5

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